Saturday, November 15, 2008

Learning more everyday!

Heres a little sneek into whats going on in my heart...I love when people get excited about God. Like truly excited when they talk about him. This week I realized I want to be one of those people, the kind that radiates when they talk about what they believe in. I had a long conversation with my boss at work, she was just telling me about different things about her church and what she was passionate about and learning. Also, We talked about how marriages only grow and glorify the lord when he is a the center. This was brought up when I asked her to pray for a friend of mine (who is struggling in her marriage), and she just unloaded all kinds of knowledge and advice I hadnt even thought about. It was so cool to just chat with someone one on one about our Lord. I learned a lot in the hour or so that we talked and she totally opened up her heart to help me with someone she didnt even know. And it really made me realize I have so much more to learn. She told me how her husband died a few years ago, and apparently he wasnt a christian during the majority of their marriage, she told me how much they struggled because of their differences. And how much more amazing their marriage became when he came to know the lord. Unfortuantely that only lasted for two months while he was in the hospital passing away. I thought that was terribly sad, but she told me it was the greatest gift ever, she didnt care that their marriage was hard for 32 years, only that for two months it was the best thing ever.She genuinely felt lucky to have those two months and was able to forgive the past 32 years. How incredible to be able to say that. She told me she used to walk around the park and pray to god "father forgive him for he knows not what he does", and that she would simply forgive him for whatever he had done, or said and promised herself their marriage would only be able to work if she loved god and trusted him and so they stayed together. It really hit me, and made me realize the impact of those words. And that if I could use that in my daily life and only worry about the things that will matter tomorrow, my life would be so much easier.

So I just wanted to say that, well first off she is an amazingly strong woman and I am lucky to have such an open hearted christian boss. But also, that I strive to live my life according to Gods law and the way he desires me to. I want to be someone that can talk about my faith in a way that impacts other people the way carol impacted me. I want my testimony to draw others to christ and encourage them. So I pray that God will bring those oppertunities into my life, and that my eyes will be open and my heart prepared when he does.


My name is Breanna... said...

That is so cool Kaitlin! What a blessing from God! I liked reading your heart.


Jenny said...

I'm so happy to hear that you have so many Christians surrounding you at work. I pray that as you continue to interact with one another, that you will continue to grow from them and also be able to spur them on in their walks as well. You do have an INCREDIBLE testimony and God will use you, you just have to be prepared! I love you!