Monday, November 3, 2008

Thanks to Jenny...tag I'm it!

Just a quick side note, this is Ian and I on hallween dressed up as Juno and Bleeker from the movies Juno. Our costumes were a hit and we had a great time!!
After reading Jenny's blog the other night Ian came running into the bedroom, and said "kaitlin you have to do something for your sister" So I cam and read her blog and it looks like I got tagged. I have to write 6 fascinating things about myself, which I think might be tricky. :) But I will do my best to make them somewhat interesting. So here it goes, I have been tagged. Enjoy!!
1.) I cannot stand to do the dishes. I absolutely HATE every part of it. My hands get all soggy, the food gets all mushy, and I dont really do a great job of rinsing. Now that I am married I finally have someone to do them for me. And I cannot express what a relief it is to have someone else to do them. I literally get sick to my stomache touching dirty dishes, even if they are mine. So thank you Ian, for taking care of the dishes everyday! I would have a very messy kitchen if it werent for you. :)

2.) I have recently decided I would like to open my own salon someday. I have all of the ideas and images in my head of what I would want it to look like and how I would want it play out. I think it would be so amazing to be able to have my own salon and finally make all of the rules. Plus, lets face it, someday when I am older I wont be able to do hair myself. So my newest dream is to have a salon. Now I just have tons of money to save before I can make it come true. Oh and I'll need a business partner. So my sisters better start saving too if they want to be apart of it. hehe We could call it "micheles Irenes Salon and Spa" I think it would be a great tribute.

3.) I could sleep all day long if I had the oppertunity. I love to sleep in, as long as the room is dark and its not loud, I could sleep forever. I love that my job allows me to sleep in late. And I figure I might as well take advantage of my sleep for as long as I can before someday when I have babies to wake me up at the crack of dawn. Waking up before 9am is actually difficult to me, sad I know. But I have been in the habit of going to bed at like 1am and waking up 10am for like 3 months it will be hard to break my bad habit. :)

4.) I love Tims Cascade Jalepeno chips. Ever since I was in jr. High my big brother James and I would sit and watch tv and eat those spicy chips. They tasted so hot, I would have to have a glass of milk next to me so that when my mouth felt like it was on fire I could ease the burn. I have grown immune to the spiciness and could eat a whole bag if I didnt know how bad they are for you. But I still love them, and I still get cravings for them. And people still give me a hard time. They are mostly considered a guy food...and the smell is quite potent. Still, I love them..and my husband is starting to let them grow on him too.

5.) My new goal is to save money. I absolutely love to shop. Even when I dont have money, even when I dont need anything, even when I cant find anything. I love shopping. It cheers me up...and I am addicted. I have learned recently that I need to do less shopping. And spend less money on shopping...apparently it has become an issue. So my goal is to shop less, in fact, my goal is to not really shop at all. It will be difficult, but I am going to give it my all. You make think I'm kidding, but I really like to buy new things. And I even go as far as convincing myself I need something, just so that i can buy it. So I will be saving my money and not spending it.

6.) Lastly, I love Dawson's Creek the TV show. I am not even old enough to have watched it when it was on TV...but somehow two years ago I fell in love with Dawson's Creek. I have all six seasons on disk and have watched the complete series twice now in only the last two years. I love every part of it. Last month when i wasnt working I watched all six a month. Ian thinks I'm crazy but I could watch it over and over. I love the way its written, I love the charectors, and the stories, and I love Pacey. haha So there you have it, my confession is out. I love a teenage soap opera fromt he early 90's.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hey, great job! I don't know about you, but it took me awhile to come up with mine! I'm liking checking on you through this, and your costumes turned out super cute! Love you!